Quantum Wellness, llc

Balancing the body, mind, and spirit

Qigong Healing

Red Hat Qigong is an incredibly powerful ancient healing modality that has been passed down orally from teacher to student for thousands of years. It restores the natural balance to your system connecting mind, body, and soul. Qigong allows access to higher realms of awareness, awakens one’s “true nature”, and helps develop our potential. This opens up healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.                        

Red Hat Qigong Energy Healing is the movement of Qi within the energetic body to release blocks, repair, and rebalance the energy fields and clean out the soul body. The movement of this Qi results in better flow of the energetic system thus facilitating innate healing mechanisms. This allows for freedom of self, liberation from toxic energy, and an overall lighter presence. It helps to peel back those layers and unveil the jewel inside, you! 

It is one of the most powerful healing modalities and must be experienced first-hand to truly recognize the power behind it!

During the 90-ish minute session, clients will be seated in a chair. I ask that there is no coffee or caffeine at least 6 hours prior to the session. All jewelry and shoes must be removed. Please no strong perfumes or scents. You will be asked to take a sea salt bath at some point after the session.

Sessions are $200 for up to 90 minutes  www.thehealingroe.com    thehealingroe@gmail.com    (970)749-7543

There is a three-session package for $555. This drops each one to $185 each.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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